Children's Christian Education
Preparing Young Minds and Hearts for God

We take our responsibility to use the precious time we have with your children to prepare them for life. The Bible is true and can be trusted to speak to every area of life in principle and precept. The children are taught substantive biblical facts and accounts as well as solid doctrine using a variety of interesting and creative methods. We want to help parents give their children a love for God that comes from knowing Him, and the ability to rightly understand and apply His Word. One little girl left her class the other day and announced to her mother,
"I love Sunday School!"

We currently have Sunday School classes for children of all ages, Pre K through teens. Because at RBC, we see worship as our priority, we begin with worship at 9:30 am and end at 11:00 am. We believe that children should be in the worship with their parents as soon as they are able, so that they can watch their parents and other worshippers and learn to worship themselves. We don't mind a little holy hubbub in the worship service as parents help their children learn to worship!
After worship is a time of coffee, snacks and fellowship from 11:00- 11:20am. Sunday School Classes for children then begin at 11:20 am until 12:10 pm while parents are in adult classes nearby.
There are always two teachers in each classroom and each teacher has been certified through "Protect My Ministry" via a background check and safety training to ensure the safest possible environment for your children..