Vision, History and
Statement of Faith
Reformation Bible Church is a non-denominational congregation which is cared for by Biblically qualified elders, and we are pastored and cared for by men ordained by the Reformed Presbyterian Church - Hanover. The leadership and congregation is fully committed to a ministry marked and defined by the primacy of Scripture in life and worship. Ministry is not faddish or gimmicky. We simply look to God to do His work in our midst through the means which He has given- attending to His Word, receiving the sacraments and praying in faith - as we practice Gospel holiness and multi-generational discipleship.​
In Practical Terms this means:
We need to know each other, care for each other, and walk out the Word in our daily lives.
We put a high priority on the education of our children and the equipping of parents as they undertake the great task of covenantal succession.
We are known best in a smaller context. Therefore, our intention is not to build a mega-church, but to have smaller congregations that are marked by personal hospitality, community and love for one another.
We want in-depth Bible teaching and worship marked by reverence and awe.
We are intentionally involved in both our local community and our world
From worship flows Discipleship, Fellowship, Ministry and Mission
Worship is the center and fountainhead of all other Christian activity. From our worship of God flows our desire to know and love Him (discipleship). We want to love others by recruiting them to know and love God in a saving way that they may give Him the worship He desires and deserves (evangelism). We want to love one another (fellowship), and serve one other and our neighbors (ministry), so that the earth is filled with the knowledge and glory of God (mission). Our fervent prayer is that Reformation Bible Church will grow in grace and skill in this calling.
What We Believe - Our Statement of Faith
We believe the doctrines outlined in the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Shorter and Larger Catechisms. You can find them here.