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God has revealed in His Word how His church is to be governed.  In keeping with His Word, the congregation has identified elders and deacons who are gifted by God to do His work here on earth. (1 Tim. 3, Titus 1, 1 Peter 5 & Acts 6)


They are servant leaders who devote themselves to helping the congregation to know and stay true to the will of the Father in living, worshipping and building His kingdom through the church.  


Rev. Mike Chastain - Pastor

Mike Chastain is the organizing pastor of Reformation Bible Church.  He has been in ministry for almost forty years.  God called him to Himself when Mike was a cadet at The Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina.  He was called to the ministry, attended seminary where he received three masters degrees in ministry and education.  He married Joanne in 1981 and together they have eight children and sixteen grandchildren. 


Jimmie Strickland - Elder

Jimmie is a lifetime Savannahian who came to know Christ in college.  He is called to minister to the people of God as an elder in the church, teaching and protecting the truth, and overseeing the work of the church.  He is married to Doreen, who loves teaching children in Sunday School, and they have two children and two grandchildren.


Chester Hamilton - Deacon

Chester is a deacon at heart.  You will always find Chester and his dear wife Evelyn, loving and serving others in every way from fixing your light switch to bringing a meal to someone in the name of Jesus. They have five children and eight grandchildren. 


Mike George - Deacon

Mike George has a servant's heart.  He is very busy making sure everything is set up properly and that the church is ready for worship.  He is also the head of the Finance Committee in the church and makes sure that God's resources are properly and honestly cared for.  RBC is grateful for this wonderful deacon. Mike has one daughter and a granddaughter

"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose" - Jim Elliot

Contact us via email -

Our mailing address is 53 Crestwood Drive, Savannah Georgia, 31405. Our Phone is 912.480.5559

Join us for worship every Sunday at 9:30 am

at 815 Southbridge Blvd. Savannah Georgia, 31405

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Savannah Georgia - All Rights Reserved

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